Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sweet sour fish

Ikan Masak 3 Rasa

Bahan A:-

• 1 ekor ikan siakap
• 1 sudu besar tepung jagung (untuk salut ikan sebelum goreng)
• 3 ulas bawang merah (dihiris) - * kisar
• 1 sudu besar cili kering kisar (*ni tambah)
• 1/3 biji capsicum merah (*ni tambah)
• 1/3 biji capsicum hijau (*ni tambah gak)
• 1 biji tomato - didadu kasar) (*letak, jadi xletak yg dibelah dah)
• 2 ulas bawang putih (dihiris)
• 3 cm halia (dihiris halus)
• Minyak yang banyak untuk menggoreng ikan

Bahan B:- (untuk sos)
• 3 sudu besar sos tomato
• 3 sudu besar sos cili
• 3 sudu besar sos tiram
• 3 sudu besar air
• 1 sudu kecil gula pasir

Bahan C:- (untuk hiasan/tabur)• 1 pokok daun bawang
• 2 biji cili merah (dihiris)
• 2 biji cili hijau (dihiris)
• 2 biji buah tomato (dipotong 4)
• Timun
• Carrot
• Nenas


1. Sapukan tepung jagung sekeliling ikan. (*gaul dulu dgn sedikit garam dan serbuk kunyit dan salut tepung jagung)
2. Panaskan kuali dan goreng ikan hingga kuning keemasan (*garing sikit). Angkat dan letakkan dalam pinggan hidangan.
3. Keluarkan minyak dan tinggalkan 2 sudu besar dan tumis bahan yang dihiris hingga wangi.
4. Masukkan bahan2 sos dan biarkan mendidih. (*tambah air). Kacau rata dan biar mendidih sikit.
5. Masukkan bahan hiasan dan tutup api.
6. Curahkan ke atas ikan tadi.

Nasi Ayam

I tried to cook nasi ayam and it turned out to be marvelous. Everything that I done from nasi to chicken to the sauce wa very delicious. I am very proud of myself. Forgot to take any picture. Sorry you guys. Anyway you should try the recipe.

Resepi Ayam Madu Lada Hitam

bahan-bahan :
• 1 ekor ayam (dipotong empat)
• 1 sudu makan lada hitam atau secukupnya (ditumbuk)
• 1 inci halia (dikisar)
• 3 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
• madu secukupnya
• 2 sudu besar sos cili
• 1 sudu makan sos plum (boleh juga guna sos tomato)
• 1-2 sudu besar kicap pekat
• garam secukup rasa
Cara-cara : Rebuskan ayam bersama garam dan air secukupnya hingga 1/2 masak. Kemudian toskan. Air rebusan jangan dibuang (boleh buat sup dan masak nasi). Gaulkan ayam dengan semua bahan di atas dan perapkan selama 30 minit. Kemudian digoreng hingga masak. Boleh juga dipanggang mengikut citarasa

Nasi Ayam

Untuk Nasi:
• 3 pot beras (dicuci dan ditoskan)
• 2 biji bawang merah
• 1 ulas bawang putih
• 1 cm halia
• 1 sudu besar minyak sapi/Ghee
• sehelai daun pandan (dicarik dan disimpul)
• setitik pewarna kuning
• sedikit garam
• air rebusan ayam secukupnya bergantung pd jenis beras yg digunakan
Cara-cara : Kisar bawang2 dan halia. Panaskan minyak sapi, tumis bahan kisar serta daun pandan sehingga wangi. Masukkan pewarna kuning dan kacau rata2. Kemudian masukkan ke dlm periuk nasi bersama beras td. Masukkan air rebusan ayam dan garam secukupnya. Masaklah seperti biasa.

Untuk Sup :
• Air rebusan ayam
• 1 biji bawang merah (ditumbuk)
• 1 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk)
• sedikit serbuk lada hitam - optional
• 1 sudu besar stok ayam
• garam secukupnya
• sedikit daun sup dan bawang goreng
Cara-cara : Panaskan air rebusan ayam dan masukkan kesemua bahan di atas kecuali daun sup dan bawang goreng. Sesudah masak, hidangkan dan taburkan daun sup dan bawang goreng.

Untuk Sambal Cili :
• 2-3 batang cili merah (dipotong2 sedikit)
• 1 ulas bawang putih
• 1 cm halia
• 1 sb sos cili
• 1 sb sos tomato
• sedikit garam dan gula
• sedikit jus limau kasturi
• air masak secukupnya
Cara-cara : Campur kesemua bahan ke dlm pengisar dan kisar sehingga lumat. Hidangkan.

Untuk Kicap :
• 1 sudu besar kicap pekat (-/+)
• sedikit kicap masin
• sedikit bancuhan tepung jagung (I didn't put this one)
• air secukupnya
Cara-cara : Masakkan air dan kicap sehingga mendidih. Masukkan tepung jagung dan kacau sehingga kuah agak pekat.

Untuk Kicap Pedas :
• 6-7 biji cili api
• 1 ulas bawang putih
• sedikit kicap masin dan kicap manis
• sedikt jus limau kasturi
• sedikit air masak
Cara-cara : kisar semua bahan sehingga hancur. Hidangkan.

Taken from:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Masak Lemak Cili Api

Monday is my cooking day. Yesterday, hubby and I were in Giant and I asked him to buy fish for me to cook Masak Lemak Cili Api. Quite simple actually.

Here is the recipe (I will change o fish):

Bahan-bahan ( 4 orang )
• * ayam 1 ekor (atau daging, udang, sotong)
• * cili api 20 ulas, ditumbuk atau diblend (boleh tambah atau kurangkan mengikut tahap kepedasan)
• * bawang putih 2 ulas, dihiris
• * bawang merah 4 biji, dihiris
• * halia 2 inci, dihiris
• * serai 1 batang, diketuk
• * asam keping 1 keping
• * kunyit, garam
• santan (dari 1 biji kelapa)
• kentang 2 biji, dibelah empat atau lapan

1. Masukkan semua bahan * ke dalam periuk. Tambah sedikit air dan renihkan dengan api kecil sehingga semua bahan mesra dan air ayam keluar (atau daging empuk).
2. Setelah air ayam agak kering, masukkan santan dan kacau sekali-sekala (untuk memastikan santan tidak pecah minyak dan beruwap melimpah keluar) di atas api sederhana.
3. Akhir sekali, masukkan kentang. Tambah garam jika perlu. Tutup api bila kentang telah empuk.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ayam Masak Padang

Now I am crazy of cooking. One of the reason, my maid is going back to Indonesia maybe for good. I need to learn cooking as much as I can and as fast as I can. I found this recipe, I wanted to try but before I forget, better I copy this recipe to my blog. Tribute from

Bahan-bahan :
1 ekor ayam sederhana (dipotong ikut suka)
300 ml santan (boleh tambah atau kurang)
100 ml susu cair
garam dan sedikit gula
1 batang serai (diketuk)
2 keping asam gelugur

Bahan-bahan kisar :
6 tangkai cili merah (dibuang biji)
1 labu bawang besar
3 ulas bawang putih
1/2 inci halia
1 inci lengkuas
2 batang serai
sedikit kunyit hidup
10 biji cili api

Cara-cara :
1. Panaskan sedikit minyak di dlm periuk. Tumis serai dan bahan-bahan kisar hingga terbit bau.
2. Masukkan ayam dan sedikit air. Biarkan ia mendidih sebentar.
3. Masukkan santan dan susu cair. Akhir sekali masukkan garam, sedikit gula dan asam gelugur. Kacau dan biarkan ia sampai masak.
4. Hidangkan.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Roti John homemade

I coincidentally stumble on this recipe of Roti John and it is so simple. I tried at home and it is so delicious just like in Pasar Ramadhan's roti john. Now, Im so happy I found two recipes that are simple and really delicious that was my sardin golden crunchy puff and now my roti john. I cooked twice for supper that night.

daging cincang (guna Ramly daging cincang / roti burger pon boleh)
3 roti hotdog
3 biji telur ayam
bawang besar potong dadu
Sedikit serbuk lada hitam
Sedikit serbuk lada sulah
Sedikit serbuk kari daging
Sedikit minyak untuk menumis

Cili Sos

1. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, tumiskan daging cincang (daging burger) sehingga keluar airnya.
2. Pukul telur dalam besen
3. Masukkan serbuk kari,sebuk lada hitam, serbuk bawang besar,lada benggala,kacau seketika.
3. Panaskan kuali leper dengan sedikit butter.
4. Tuangkan bancuhan telur tadi keatas kuali,ambil hot dog roll yang telah dibelah dua,telangkupkan diatas daging tadi.
5. Siap
6. Sapu mayonis, sos cili ngan tambah sayur kobis.
7. Boleh ngap...sedaappp!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cookies time

Every year, I was amongst the hardworking person that like to bake raya cookies. For me, if I did not bake the cookies it will no feel the raya mood because we don't fry lemang nor cook dodol.

For this year, I baked cookies a bit earlier because this year I'm going back to kg. It is my very first year going to spend in kg. Hopefully it will be fun as it sounds. Raya falls on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday is Merdeka day so we got another day of holiday. We plan to go back on Sunday night so that my hubby got the chance to break fast with his family the next day. We coming back on friday so that on Saturday and Sunday, we can go round and visit my families.

These are a few cookies that I managed to do.

This is my first time trying this ice cream biscuit. Got the recipe from the internet. It is the most tidious cookies that I have to make so far. The first tray I did it wrongly. I put the yellow egg, chocolate then I baked the cookies. It chocolate melt badly and spoilt the looks of it. After that Antymah told me to baked first with the yellow egg only then u dip it in the chocolate and sprinkles the colourful rice. It turned out to be beautiful. The chocolate will be hardened by itself. The most fav of all. I had this recipe from a chef book, Chef Kamarul. Even i brought it to office everyone asking me for the recipe. It is also my niece favoruite, rahman.

Badam cookies

tart biscuits

This is my all time fav. Every year I will bag Antymah to do this cookies first. Eventhough it is very troublesome to make the flower shape due to its hardness after a while exposed to the air but it still my fav...yum..yum..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

shopping @ jln TAR

Let's go shopping at jln TAR to buy baju raya. I went with Ika. I went there around 10 o'clock so that I will be a bit earlier than the rest of the ppl. It was Sunday. Some more I wanted to come back early because it was raining season in the afternoon. The booth in jln TAR was surprising alot. We went until the end of the road. I spent around RM400++ like water. Anyway I managed to get my baju raya. Mmg raya sakan because I bought 3 baju raya. Not to forget, Irfan's baju raya I bought a jubah. It came with a songkok with a same material as th jubah. It looks like an Afghan boy. I bought tudung, baju, Irfan's jubah, Irfan's toys for his birthday.

along jln TAR

ika is choosing her tudung raya This is my choice but went we came back it was sold. I was very upset and wanted to cry. The reason I didn't buy when I saw it first time because it was my habit to scroll all the booth then decide later weather to buy it and another reason because I sent the picture of the dress to my hubby to get his opnion and approval. He was not very keen on that dress. The I bought another choice in the same booth. It is still ok the only thing that Im not fully satisfied because the top part was a plain blue turqoise without any pattern. It costs RM165.
I bought white jubah that I was attracted to then I feel regret because the material that it is used was quite hot. It costs RM120.

Golden Sardin Puff

Ikan sardine
roti potong tepi

sardin lenyek

tekan ngan garfu

Done! crunchy and nice..

I was very obsessed cooking. I browse on the internet and I found this recipe. It looked tempting and easy. Hence, I alter it a bit to my convinience and change the chicken to sardine. It turned out to be very delicious, crunchy like in the bakery shop. So happy and satisfied.

bahan-bahan :
6-8 keping roti sandwich
1 tin sardin
1 ulas bawang merah(dicincang)
1 ulas bawang putih (dicincang)
1 biji telur (dipukul sedikit)
sedikit garam jika perlu

Cara-cara :
Panaskan mentega di dalam kuali. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih hingga keperangan. Kemudian masukkan sardin tanpa kuah dan kacau hingga sedikit kering.
Masukkan pula garam. Kacau lagi hingga kering. Angkat dan ketepikan.
Sediakan roti. Potong semua bahagian tepinya(kerak) jika suka. Kemudian leperkan dengan rolling pin. (Coz cannot find my rolling pin I just using my knife to make it leper).
Sapukan semua bahagian tepinya dengan telur. Kemudian letakkan inti ayam tadi di tengah-tengahnya. Lipat seperti bentuk triangle dan tekan kemas bahagian tepinya dengan garpu.
Sediakan minyak untuk goreng terendam. Gunakan api sederhana. Apabila sudah cukup panas, gorenglah roti tadi hingga keemasan. (MINYAK JANGAN TERLALU PANAS, nanti roti jadi hangus). Setelah masak dan garing, angkat dan toskan.
Hidangkan panas-panas.

Inspired from:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

my new office carpet

I just bought a new carpet for my room in the office. The carpet is so soft and it is cheap. I bought it in Jln TAR, KL during the Ramadhan sales. It makes the room more homely and a happy place to work.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

char keow teow recipe

from a friend of mine that knows how to cook good foods.

Bawang putih (ditumbuk)
Cili kisar
Kicap manis (agak2 1 senduk)
Kicap pekat (agak2 1 senduk)
Sos tiram (agak2 1 senduk)

1. Udang dibuang kepala dan ekor. Rebus udang bersama kepala dan kulit + garam sampai mendidih. Asingkan udang, teruskan masak.
2. Keluarkan kulit udang, buat kuah. Campur air udang + kicap manis + kicap pekat + sos tiram + garam + gula. Masak sampai mendidih.

1. Tumis bawang putih, masuk 1 sudu cili kisar, masak smpai naik minyak.
2. Masuk udang, kacau. Masuk taugeh + kucai + kuey teow
3. Masuk kuah dalam 1 setengah senduk, sampai mendidih
4. Masuk telur, kacau sekejap, terus tutup api.

recipe lempeng a.k.a pancake

Since i moved to my own house, my routine was from office -> antymah's house -> eat dinner, pray terawih in the pj mosque, settle everything -> packed to go back to ttdi house -> sleep -> wake up at 5 in the morning to heat up all the lauk for sahur -> send baby to antymah's house -> go to work.
Quite tired and hectic but satisfied with my own house. More independent. More control. More satisfaction. More tired..hehehe.

Anyway, I want to tell about the effect and time that I make after going back to ttdi house to cook lempeng a.k.a pancake. I turned out to be very delicious. I am proud of myself with hubby loving it too. Here is the simple recipe and delicious.

bahan-bahan :• 1 cawan tepung gandum
• 1 @ 1 1/4 cawan air
• garam dan gula secukupnya

Cara-cara :
Kisar kesemua bahan hingga sebati. Sediakan kuali leper dan panaskan dengan sedikit minyak. Tuangkan sedikit dari bancuhan tepung tadi dan ratakan. Sapu dgn majerin utk garing. Terbalikkan lempeng dan masak hingga keperangan atau sehingga garing. Setelah masak, hidangkan bersama susu pekat manis, madu, jem dan sebagainya.

taken from:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Agar-agar cendol recipe

crazy cooking mood because of the effect of the increasing price in pasar Ramadhan. I thought to myself if I make myself it would be more cheaper and alot more. That is where my spirit of cooking emerged. I like to try a simple and easy recipes. This is a simple recipe indeed. Another reason to cook the jelly cendol was that I bought a pieces and it cost me RM2. WTF! And I bought it anyway because I fell of eating it (influencing by the fasting). The jelly turned out to be a success only a bit sweet on the gula melaka top. The picture was taken from another blog.


1 peket agar-agar
1 cawan air
4 cawan cendol
1 cawan gula pasir
3/4 cawan gula merah
4 biji telur
3 cawan santan

Cara buat :

1.rebus agar-agar bersama 1 cawan air dan gula pasir.
2.Gula merah dicairkan bersama sedikit air dan dicampur ke dalam santan
3.Pukul telur n campurkan dalam santan jugak
4.Kacau rata dan masukkan santan ke dalam rebusan agar-agar
5.Asingkan kepada 2 adunan, satu campur cendol, satu lagi campur gula merah.
6.Means that lapisan pertama dah agak keras (sebatian cendol n santan) baru masuk lapisan kedua (sebatian gula merah n santan)
7.Masuk dalam peti ais n tunggu sampai keras
8.Potong dengan pisau gerigi untuk bagi dia cantik

Bubur Pulut Hitam

Fasting month and I becoming a typical housewife with a new house and ethusiastic of cooking (hopefully not only hangat2 taik ayam). Pity hubby, he likes to eat bubur and always end up the bubur are basi. As a caring wife, I feel obliged to make him feel happy and fulfill his need. I end up browsing for the resepi of bubur pulut hitam. It is so simple that I proceed to buy ingredients to try to cook it.

Resepi Bubur Pulut Hitam
3 cawan beras pulut ( direbus dengan secukup air hingga lembut dan pekat)
3/4 cawan gula ( boleh tambah atau kurang ikut kemanisan yang di inginkan)
1 cawan susu cair

Cara penyediaannya
1. Satukan beras pulut yang telah direbus hingga lembut, susu cair dan gula.
2. Kacau dan masak hingga rata kemudian sesuaikan rasa dan angkat.

Untuk Kuah Santan.
1/2 biji kelapa parut
2 cawan air panas suam
secubit garam

Cara penyediaannya
1. Satukan dan kisar kelapa parut dan air suam di dalam blender.
2. Perah dan ambil pati santannya.
3. Hidangkan bersama bubur pulut hitam tadi

Monday, August 1, 2011

ttdi house

We already moved into the ttd house. Many of the things are not complete yet. I hired services for cleaning the house. Hubby settle all the electrical wiring.

We managed to do the baca doa selamat and was succesful. Ordered lauk for 20 people. Ayam masak merah, ikan goreng, pucuk paku masak lemak, ulam, sambal belacan. Alhamdulilah after all the kelam kabut that nobody will show up because the org masjid quite reluctant to come and I didn't invite my family members because I wanted to do it small. Just buat syarat. Alhamdulilah again everything settle smoothly. That night was our first night at that house. It was on 17 July (sunday).

Today is the second day of fasting. Hubby bought me a stove to heat up all the lauk. This morning I woke up around 5 o'clock at start to become a house wife. My first experience and it wa nice to have a family. I am happy.

kittens stuck in the car

Aiyooh these kittens don't know the dangerous. They went into the engines car and got stuck. There are 4 kittens. Actually there were in the cage but the Mommy's kittens bring them out to play and the went into the engine. We had to take them out before we could drive out. Messy.

Papa John's Pizza

Hubby and me when to Jusco Equine and I asked daddy to spent me Papa John's pizza. I havent tried it yet but my friend told me it is quite delicious. Papa John's menu. We ordered that was recommended by the waitress. Its specialty.

dipper cheese, sauce and pickles. I loved it! You don't have to pay extra for extra cheese.

a slice of pizza

Pizza..yummy...crunchy and full of ingredients.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Parenting seminar

Last Sunday I went for a parenting seminar organised by Pitterpatter. I think it was a good stabil NGO because the lucky draw prizes was exclusive. I won spa package that worth RM300. It was exactly what I want. My hubby also won a travelling bag for putting babies milk. All worth it.

The seminar was very good. The tittle was "A journey through Pregnancy & Beyond". There were 4 seminar halls concurrently. Hubby and I went for hall 4 that is "BEYOND “Parenthood”. I learn alot from the seminars on child development, how do tell your child is a slow learner, how to communicate with a child, how to discpline your child and alot more. I benificial from the seminar that being held.

Last time, during my pregnancy, I also attend the seminar being held by the same NGO. It was very informative. The food was excellence in spite of only RM10 that we have to spend. It was so worth it!

kittens in engine's car

My granny house always have cats. From I was small I do not know where all the cats comes from. All that I knew that always know where my house location. One of my cats gived birth to 4 little yellow kittens. We put it in a cage in the porch. The mama cat took her kittens out and all the kittens when missing. We tried to find the kitten. It was stuck in the engine's car and the car was already started. Luckily we have not drive yet. We managed to assemble all the kitten and back to the cage. If not I think all the kittens gone with car. I already came accross all the incidents with cats. Once, I brought kitten to my office because the kitten was in mu engine's car. I have to drove all the way back home. Luckily, at that time my house was near with my office. Another time, the cat's mother gived birth in my car and I do not away of that until I reached office. I saw all the blood and the kitten were dead. The cat's mother was upset that her kittens were dead she ran away. It's was not my fault for the record.

noodle station 2nd visit

another trip to Noodle Station.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

I took leave on my birthday 31 May 2011 that was on Tuesday. Hubby also took leave to accompany me. On Tuesday morning hubby have some errand to do but it took longer than we anticipated. I sulked. He wanted to make me happy, he spent me facial in amcorp mall. That night Uncle Cop spent me and the whole famili KFC. My sayang bought me a cake. It was very delicious like ice cream but it was not Baskin Robbin cake so it must me very quality cake that some else can bake cake that was like ice cream.

I baked cookies chop chip crispy. This recipe is the best recipe so far that i ever baked. Infact this is my fav that is why im craving to baked it.
I baked my own cake to fulfill my anxiety of baking. Recipe taken from Chef Kamarul.

my hubby bought me tis cake like ice cream

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Flowers for birthday

Yesterday I received a bouquet of roses delivered to me in the office. Thank you sayang. I love you soooo much. You make my world smiles and happy. Managed to showed off around colleague friends in the office. hahahaa..very mean. I got a romantic boyfriend and they don't...hahahaha...but the sweetest part is the card. His words in the cards make me melt because I know it was full of effort for him to write that kind of words. Thank you again sayang.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mat Ayam Kampung

At last I managed to eat at Mat Ayam Kampung before the toll Sg Besi. I was mengidam to eat at the restaurant since I was preggy my son. I do not know I could not managed to eat there. Maybe because it always out of the route of my usual path to go home. To enter the restaurant we have to take an inner road instead of the Sg Besi highway. But the signboard of the shop is beside the highway that you will noticed every time you passed by.

It was a Kelantenese restaurant. The menu is more to lauk pauk. It opens during lunch hour only. I think is a normal lauk pauk makcik. Nothing that is so special maybe the ayam goreng kampung that being served.

Mat Ayam kampung shop on the road side of Sg Besi highway.

Food before eat
Ayam kampung with rice

noodle station

went for a lunch at noodle station alamanda. My first trip to noodle station recommanded by a colleague of mine. I ordered Springy Noodle With Prawns (i think. can't really remember the name of the mee i've eaten). My friend ordered Seafood Tom Yam. The portion was large and nice. For drinks I ordered mango lassy.

Springy Noodle With Prawns

Seafood Tom Yam

Thursday, April 28, 2011


This week we are having a long weekend because Monday is a Labour Day holiday. I always love holidays. Today is Friday and I am already all excited at the office. My hubby have courses laa pulak. Not to have my excitement go away without enjoying my holidays, so I have already all planned up. Tonight already starts with activities.

Friday night:

1. going to Home Deco Exhibition @ KLCC

2. maybe can go for late night movies with hubby


1. Morning going to book fair at PWTC


1. have wedding reception. It is my ustaz ngaji's son wedding.

2. 2:30 afternoon already make appointment wit aiu to go for a biz talk in KL


REST & RELAX. Maybe could go for a spa.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Princess wedding

Such a fairy tale story...this weekend is the wedding of prince William and Kate Middleton. Im going to watch it live @ astro. Eventhough im quite envy with Kate for having the most of the women's dream that are rich, handsome and more over he is a Prince. I watched her travelled all around the world with her Prince. To the extend, I want to wish to God to get the same things after I go to heaven..hehehe. Any how, I should be greatful myself, I had my dream wedding too..a grand one indeed with a beautiful wedding dress. All is Allah's fate and rezeki. Alhamdulilah.

Not to brag but to remind myself how greatful I should be. As a normal human being we always forget what we have instead of wishing that something we do not have. Thank You Allah for giving a great life now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Giant durian

Just came back from kg. It was durian season. Here a few giant durian from kg.

Perfect Livin'10 @ PWTC

Hubby and I went to perfect living expo in PWTC to find the main thing for our new house is bed and mattres. This kind of expo is a good opportunity for us to do research on all the brand of mattreses under one roof and we can bargain the price because most of the retailer were the manufacturer itself.

The exhibition was big. It consist of 3 halls. The first hall was the bed and mattreses, second hall was about wardrobe, curtains, auto gates, flooring and the last hall was about electrics stuff such as tv, washing machine etc.

Our aim not to go out empty handed as usually as we did previously. This time, we already have target because our new house is ready. First thing is the mattres and bed. My hubby wanted to buy water heater and i would prefer an air cond first rather than water heater. We ended up buying both. We arrived at the expo around 12 and went out at around 10 o'clock at night and still could not decide on the mattress. We had to go back the next day. Luckily there is another day to spent. This time I ask for Antymah's advise. What we cant decide was that the mattress cost around RM2,700 only the matress and not including the bed frame or the bed set. I thought we don't really need an expensive mattress. After a few other comparisons with the other mattresses such as Nature, King Koil, Dreamland etc the price range is not quite different. So alas we decide just to go with hubby choice that is Sweet Dream. We bargain and we managed to get RM2,400 with 2 latex pillow. I was no very fond of the mattress because of the height. It is 14 inch, could you easily find a bedsheet for that height? I am concern weather it can be tuck under the mattress. If not it will be very messy and slippery when we are on the bed.

We bought water heater after being persuaded by the sales person of Electrolux with latest function of magnet that can maintain and control the heat. Of course the most thing that concern my hubby was the pump. We bought it for RM500. Next we went to find aircond. At first our aim was to buy panasonic because it has inverter. Later we bought Sharp because it have two functions that is ionizer and inverter. But we have to go to his shop to purchase it because they do not have credit card easy payment in that booth.

I also bought stainless steal hanger that can be push in for easy keeping. Another thing that I bought was toileteries and hanger for the toilet.

People at the expo

Stainless steal hangers that i bought for Rm90

Gadget for the toilet. Managed to get for Rm38.

Water heater Electrolux for Rm500.

Im interested this bed because we can put things under the bed. Save space and people don't see what we tuck under it. But now, all the pattern is Devan. Hope that trend will be over soon so I can persuade my hubby to buy bed frame with legs.

Dressing table in Cavenzi set having promotion only cost RM2K including bed frame,wardrobe and dressing table (without mattress) that we went survey Friday afternoon in Balakong.