Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ramadhan is back

Ramadhan is back. This year I'm pregnant with second child, insya Allah dipermudahkan Allah for me to fast and solat terawih. Last year was consider a miracle and blessed from Allah because I was fasting the whole month without feeling tired and the best part was pj mosque offered a child care so I could bring my son along while I was doing terawih. Alhamdulilah. I don't know how greatful I was to the Auntie and her daughters. They were all nice people and volunteered without demanding anything. Thank you. Only Allah could return that favors.
It will be a lot entries of recipes as I am staying in my own house now and I am doing all the cooking for breaking fast. Thank you hubby for your sweetnest of helping out in the kitchen. May we have keberkatan in bukan Ramadhan ini. Ameen.

daging masak org minyak


Minyak masak 125ml
Bawang putih 4 ulas, dikupas dan dihiris nipis-nipis
Bawang merah 8 ulas, dikupas dan dihiris nipis-nipis
Pes cili kering 2 sudu besar
Daun kari 2 tangkai
Kicap pekat 2 sudu besar
Rempah kari daging serbuk 2 sudu besar
Asam jawa 1 sudu besar, diramas dengan 4 sudu besar air dan diperah airnya

Pati santan 125ml, diperah daripada ½ biji kelapa parut

Daging lembu 1kg, dipotong nipis-nipis
Garam dan gula secukup rasa


Panaskan minyak masak di dalam kuali. Masukkan hirisan bawang putih dan bawang merah dan tumis sehingga wangi. Tambah pes cili kering, daun kari, kicap pekat, rempah kari daging, air asam jawa dan pati santan.

Masukkan daging dan tambah sedikit air jika terlalu pekat.

Masak sehingga daging empuk dan kuah pekat. Perasakan dengan garam dan gula secukupnya.

Hidangkan dengan nasi.

Ikan tauhu soweet sour

Untuk Ikan:

2 ekor ikan siakap
Tepung jagung untuk dilumur pada ikan
Serbuk Pasti Sedap Knoor
Minyak untuk menggoreng ikan

Untuk Kuah:
2 biji bawang besar - dipotong dadu
6 biji bawang putih - dititik
10 biji cili padi - dipotong kecil
1 inci halia - dihiris halus
1 biji tomato - dipotong dadu

1/2 biji cili benggala - dipotong dadu
Kiub nanas - Kak Noor beli yang siap ditinkan; kiub nanas dalam jus nanas jenama Ayam Brand (Snacky Nanas) - 280 gm
4 sudu besar sos tomato
4 sudu besar sos cili thai
2 sudu besar sos tiram
2 sudu besar sos ikan
2 batang serai - dititik
Beberapa helai daun limau purut
Daun sup/daun bawang untuk hiasan
Garam secukup rasa
Ajinomoto secukup rasa
Gula secukup rasa
Minyak untuk menumis

Cara membuatnya:
1.  Ikan dibersihkan dan ditoskan
2.  Lumurkan ikan dengan serbuk pasti sedap knoor. Pastikan semua bahagian dilumur rata. Kemudian, lumurkan pula dengan tepung jagung. Lumur kedua-dua belah bahagian ikan termasuk bahagian dalam.
3.  Panaskan minyak yang banyak di dalam kuali. Pastikan minyak betul-betul panas barulah dimasukkan ikan tadi. Goreng terendam ikan tersebut. Setelah ikan garing, angkat dan ketepikan
4.  Panaskan minyak dalam kuali yang lain. Tumiskan cili padi, halia, serai,  dan bawang putih.
5.  Setelah bawang agak layu, masukkan sos cili, sos tomato, sos tiram,  sos ikan, dan 3 sudu jus nanas di dalam tin. Kacau sebentar.
6.  Masukkan bawang besar, tomato, nenas, dan cili benggala.
7.  Masukkan air sedikit. Tambahkan garam, gula dan ajinomoto.
8.  Biarkan kuah mereneh seketika. Setelah kuah agak pekat, angkat dan curahkan di atas ikan yang telah digoreng tadi.  Taburkan daun sup/daun bawang. 

Kerang rebus sambal

Kerang rebus bercili


  • kerang - rebus - buang kulit separuh
  • 2-3 ulas bawang putih *
  • 2 bijik bawang merah saiz besar *
  • 3 bijik cili merah *
  • 2 bijik cili api *
  • sedikit halia*
  • sos tiram
  • sos cili
  • sebatang serai - titik
  • daun limau purut
  • garam - gula - pak aji kalo dah bosan rambut banyak!

  1. blenderkan bahan2 bertanda *
  2. panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar sampai kering & garing
  3. masukkan sos tiram, sos cili, serai, daun limau purut, garam, dan gula
  4. masukkan kerang - kacau dan gaulkan mesra dan siap! :)

Kerang rebus

Bahan-Bahannya :-)
Kerang secukupnya (mat rebus 3 kg kerang!!!)
4 biji bawang merah, dihiris
3 ulas bawang putih, dihiris
3/4 cawan air
Garam secukup rasa (anggaran 3/4 camca besar)

Bahan Sambal Cuka :-)
4 - 5 biji cili merah
3 ulas bawang putih
1/2 camca teh garam
1/2 cawan gula (boleh kurangkan)
3 - 4 camca besar cuka makan
Sedikit air

Cara membuatnya :-)

  1. UNTUK SAMBAL CUKA :- Tumbuk cili dan bawang putih hingga lumat, tambah garam dan gula, tumbuk sehingga semua sebati. Alihkan ke dalam bekas, masukkan cuka makan dan sedikit air, kacau hingga rata.
  2. UNTUK KERANG REBUS :- Cuci kerang bersih2, kalau dapat berus kulitnya (gunakan berus plastik) sehingga bersih. Bilas 3 - 4 kali dan toskan. Dalam kuali, masukkan 2 camca besar minyak masak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan kerang dan garam, gaul rata. Tuang air dan tutup kuali. Biar kerang masak, kacau sekali sekala, masak 10 - 15 minit atau hingga kerang mudah dikopek dan isinya senang tanggal.
  3. Hidangkan kerang bersama sambal cuka, boleh juga dimakan dengan sambal kicap, ikut selera masing2....selamat memasak untuk semua!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Now I hate all indonesians. My maid is quite weird after awhile she been here. Everything in the house need to be told everytime and everyday. She don't have inisiatives at all. She was crying when I wanted to sent her to my mother's house because I will be outstation.
The best part she talked to her husband and suddenly she started shouting and crying and meroyan because her husband wanted to eat poison because she is here working in Malaysia. My hubby sent her that very night at Johor even though Johor is facing a very bad haze condition. My hubby went around 8 o'clock at nite and the next morning manage to come home to pj.
Now I even hate Indonesians.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


My maid finnaly arrived on Wednesday (7 June 2013). She is tall. I interviewed her. She has 3 daughters with one grandson. I can't compare to my previous maid. She was perfect for me. So when my maid arrived alot of things I took for granted. I need to show her everything from scratch.

My brithday

This year i am 34 years old and I am pregnant with my second child. With my condition, I could not celebrate it too much so I decided to celebrate with foods. We went to TGI Fridays. I want to eat fajitas.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

take new maid?

The next day I called my friend to pour all my stressed to her. Suddenly, she told me she has a ready made maid in Malaysia. I think Allah is trying to help. But first I have to find out about Ika weather she will come back and still work with me or otherwise. Anyway, Alhamdulilah to Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

maid lari

No adults have no problems. Mine just happen last Tuesday. Ika is my mother's maid. She took care of my son from baby until 1 year old. She is very competent with house work, hardworking, good at cooking and love children like her own. You can say she is a perfect maid from heaven. Last year, she went home to settle her problem in Endon. Then I asked her weather she wanted to work with me. Say yes with joy because I am more lenient than my mother. But this time, her husband wants to follow her because they are broke financially and they had to bring their 8 year old daughter along. At that time, I just don't care because I really want a maid as I was pregnant and having the worse morning sickness. I was tired of dining out and at night my husband have classes and I need to take care of my son alone.
We took Ika and the family at LCCT. The father went with his brother to work in construction area. While Ika and her daughter followed me to my house. About her daughter, she was never separated from his father. If the daughter cannot stayed in Malaysia, she will be sent home. A few days was like heaven. I eat home cook, my laundry being done, my son was eating and playing. Her daughter in other hand, was missing her father. She cried alot until she was sick. She can't meet her father because her father was away outstation. So we promised her she will see her father the following week.
The drama begins after we arrived home from work. We found a note saying Ika and her daughter had to go out because her daughter is sick. It sound like they are not coming back. I tried to call her but she didn't pick up her phone. I called the husband but he also do not know where they are. We were stressed out that nite until my husband and I got into a fight. I was like blurred and not prepared for this. I was so sad. I feel how could she do this to me after everything I have help her and her family. Until now, I can't reach her. She didn't pick up her phone at all. Very frustrated. Very angry. Dugaan Allah.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

not the best Islamic montessori after all - Brainy Bunch

My son is 2 1/2 years old. We want the best for our son. After survey a few pre school in the market, we decided to go with **** eventhough it is quite far from our house and our work place. But we were willing to sacrifise for our little son. My hubby and I are working in the same place but for our son sake we were willing to make some changes and sacrifises just to see the output that the school can offer. My hubby will be sending my son by motorbike as the school situated in crowded area during peak times and I will be driving car to work. So there will be different transportation each day to work and to go back home. But wat the heck. Anything for our son. 

The fees is quite expensive than the rest of other pre school that we surveyed. We paid around RM1,000++ for yearly fee and monthly fee we took half day lesson it was around RM400 because we included with lunch. We can't afford to take our son at 12 because both of us are working and our lunch time is about 1-2 pm. The school doesn't give and take in this matter. I wonder why they don't provide an easier flexible time for picking up children. It is quite not convenient for us and I think other parents also facing the same problems. Unless you are a housewife or you have a driver to pick your children at 12. Anyway we try to accommodate to the troblesome rules. In the afternoon we will be sending him to nursery. We are paying for two things here. 

Now after 4 months sending my son, I have a few dissatisfaction.

1) the brunch that we send is a new place. I was glad because all the facilities are new. But, I was inform that the teacher for the playhouse is not hired yet. There are short of staff. How do I know this because I ask the caretaker what did he learn today. I appreciate the caretaker to tell me sincerely because they are taking care of our children. My son is my biggest priority in my life so I need to know everything going on with him. Anyway, i must say thank you for telling me the truth. But, on the other hand, we were paying a month without learning anything. It is only like a nursery. It was very frustrating because we were wasting on the petrol, energy and our time in the office. Sometimes, I thought we should be refunded. Dah laa mahal. We want to make our every cent worth the money for our son education.

2) From my observation, they are not good at taking care toddlers. Maybe, they are good at teaching but not taking care toddlers. For example, I received complaints from nursery that they don't change pampers and the pampers were very heavy. I told the school to change pampers before I pick my son. At first they always forget but after awhile they managed to do it. One of the incompetence that I can observed. Other than that, there want me to marked using a marker pen on my son bottle. It's not the outside part. The inside part. Because avent bottle have a little circle for not making the milk drip and to trap the air. It is ridicolous. I will not use any chemical on my son's drink. I would consider, if it on the outside. Even the nursery don't have problem with that. And the nursery never mistakenly switching bottles with other kids. The schools always have problem. tertukar botol la...tertinggal barang laa.. But now, there are getting better managing. Fuhh...make me all stressed up.

3) I don't expect to pay any hidden cost after we settled to pay the yearly fees. We already managed our financial and it is a strict one. The school wanted to do a sports day. Fine with that. But they asked us to pay RM100. We decided we don't want him to participate with the sports because the stupid RM100. We know the management is rich and they thought RM100 is a small value but for us, we could use it for something more important than the sport day for a 3 year old. The sport day was very extravanganza, I saw on the the school fb. For me, it is a waste of money. In islam we were enforced on sifat bersederhana. Saturday and Sunday was the sports day so monday there declared holiday because they said everyone already bersusah payah for the sports day. On Monday they only take full day children. Did you know, we had to send our son to the nursery and we had to pay for extra hours. Waste of our money some more. I think the school thinks if the half day children there have bibik at home to take care kot. Another thing, we did not participate with the sports day so we are not paying the RM100 but they still forced us to pay eventhough my husband said he will not be paying for that. Kang makan duit tak halal baru tahu.

4) The school likes holidays. Kalau cuti sekolah dorang pon cuti jugak. Why can't they consider this as work. You just have your holidays during public holidays not the school holidays. I don't think the children want the holidays tu sangat pon because they enjoy to go to school with their friends, they can play games, sing songs etc. I think yang nak cuti are the teachers. Boleh tak anggap ni bekerja bukan bersekolah? We need to pay extra to the nursery. Letih, duit parents nak tapi cuti byk lak.

5) The school have alot of extra co-curiculum like bengkel solat etc. But, most of it you have to pay extra. I can't be bother to join. I think if they really do as a jihad they should give it for free or very low price. And some more, I think, if your silibus are good enough, we don't need extra bengkel.

It is like, if the school teachers are good at teaching and the students understand the lesson very well you don't have to send your children to tuition pon.

6) There were once sambutan Maal Hijrah or something, can't really recall. They ask the parents to bring food for celebration. If the school wants to do extra activity they should be providing but there asked us parents to bring. Semua ni extra money kan. You should state in the fees. Senang parents nak budget. Pls don't say we are kedekut, we are the customer, you are providing the service. So we have the pengguna rights. Tak kisah sedekah tapi not like this. We are buying services from you so you should provide the service that we have pay for and not incurred cost some more. They asked us to pay for science apparatus, but I never see the tools. It cost like RM100. I feel they are only interested in our money more than berjihad.

7) There were time, my son have a bad diarrhea. I need to ask the care taker what did he eat, then the teacher respond in a quite defensive ways. "What are trying to say, is it from our food. Other children don't have this problem". I was quite surprised. I need to ask because I was sending my son to a nursery so I need to figure out weather the school or the nuresery food or home food. Yg tuh pon terasa. Not professional at all. My son is my best interested. Of course, I will asked every single thing...hmmm...

8) about graduation day. They held it in PICC. It was grand than it sounds. As usual, parents have to pay up for clothes etc. Siap ada scroll in a booklet form like in a university. All that costs the parents money. I think my son only was on a stage like a few minutes. not worth it at all. He did the fashion show and being guided by the teachers.

9) The science kit. urrghh...very disappointing. The quality of the toy is not worth the money at all. He got a float boat with an engine that have to be twisted. Tak sampai 5 minutes already broken. Wasting money.

My son don't talk alot. He follows his daddy. So it is quite difficult to ask what he learn from school. I had to depend on the teachers to give me feedback. So far I noticed, he can sing rhymes such as twinkle2 little star, baba black sheep, old mcdonald etc. How do I know because when I sing some of the rhymes he will do some of the actions or sing the last words. Doa makan also he can say the last words. I wish I could see how the teach my son. I don't know weather it is effective or not. Just to depend the output they promise through observing what my son action. This year is a trial year, if we are not satisfied, maybe we will not continue the following year.

This is my opinion in my personal journal.

If you are doing business these are the things you have to faced with. Takkan nak asyik kene puji. Kalau kene komen you need to accept it too. For me, it is a comment membina. You need to improved to succeed. I loved your school and the concept but there still rooms for improvement.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

13 weeks preggy me

Yeay, just now I went to see Dr. Rohayah in Klinik Mesra Serdang. She scanned me and I was 13 weeks pregnant. For me, the time moves very slow as I was having a bad neausea and vomitting.