Let's go shopping at jln TAR to buy baju raya. I went with Ika. I went there around 10 o'clock so that I will be a bit earlier than the rest of the ppl. It was Sunday. Some more I wanted to come back early because it was raining season in the afternoon. The booth in jln TAR was surprising alot. We went until the end of the road. I spent around RM400++ like water. Anyway I managed to get my baju raya. Mmg raya sakan because I bought 3 baju raya. Not to forget, Irfan's baju raya I bought a jubah. It came with a songkok with a same material as th jubah. It looks like an Afghan boy. I bought tudung, baju, Irfan's jubah, Irfan's toys for his birthday.

ika is choosing her tudung raya This is my choice but went we came back it was sold. I was very upset and wanted to cry. The reason I didn't buy when I saw it first time because it was my habit to scroll all the booth then decide later weather to buy it and another reason because I sent the picture of the dress to my hubby to get his opnion and approval. He was not very keen on that dress.
The I bought another choice in the same booth. It is still ok the only thing that Im not fully satisfied because the top part was a plain blue turqoise without any pattern. It costs RM165.
I bought white jubah that I was attracted to then I feel regret because the material that it is used was quite hot. It costs RM120.
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