Alhamdulilah, alas Selamat Bertunang.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
main table gift
Isn't it cute. I found this in somebody blog and I send her a comment asking where she picked them up. She was very kind and coorporative giving me this website.
This is wat im interested at.

Wedding dress
Ok let's reveal wat's being done and wat's haven't done until today.

Before that let me just tell you about my wedding gown. At first I was planning to rent the whole baju for my wedding starting from akad, reception and bertandang. But because I bought kain from endon, i think i might as well make that as baju bertandang. Settle, I already sent that kain to taylor that only charge me RM50.
ok ok back to my wedding gown. Now days the all the boutique have this type of fashion that is juma's fashion. It's a long lace dress. But I'm not quite interested because it is long. Then I went to one of my collique's wedding, she made a modern white & black wedding dress. It was beautiful. Then my auntie ask me, why dont you do something like that. I went to find all the famous boutique in KL ampang. Sesat. Tired. N frustrated. Sad.
Yesterday, I was feeling down and low. Because I got no more time to make a wedding dress and I can't find any wedding dress yet. So yesterday, our planned actually to search for my tudung for my engagement. So because it was late and we know KL is jam at that time, he said just find in tmn equine. I was doubtful but I just follow because my spirit was very at the minumum.
While in tmn equine, I remembered there was a boutique. I open my 'wedding kitab' and found the number. I called him eventhough his name is freda ( I said the only made dresses and not for renting and it cost RM2,500. I was despair. Then he asked, wat is my theme colour. I told him gold. And he said there a few ready made for photoshoot. I was not excited because I know designer will not have many choice and sometimes their ideas a too bizzare. Anyway, we just went for the sake we were there.
This is nice, but mine is more modern white with gold.
The shop do not have any labels and its not for advertising. We went up the shop. It was a very nice, elegant designer place. The first thing I step in, I was surrounded by gold, white modern dresses. I was very excited. I asked him wat's the price if I want to rent...he said 'ok laa i bagi u Rm1000'. And its cheaper than Bangi eleezha boutique. I jump to joy. Plus he was a makeup artist and it cost only Rm500. I quickly book for 3rd january 2010. Unfortunately, 1 Jan is fully booked. Never mind, at least something. He told me for baju nikad usually ppl will make instead of renting for memorial purposes. He advised me not to with him because he charge the same price with baju reception.
So now, my biggest problem solved eventhough not 100%. I have to find only baju akad. Either i buy kain and do with my friend's designer taylor that worked with Salikin Sidek or i just simply rent it. Any one, I just dont mind because I already have my beautiful reception dress. One think solve.
After that, we went to Mines to find camera / video camera for brg hantaran. But in Mines only hps. We called the kakak buat hantaran to pick up his hantaran. She said she wait in her shop in Shah Alam. Before that we got into a fight and that delay us. We took LDP highway to Shah Alam then we got lost. We were nowhere in kawasan kilang in Shah Alam. Carik punya carik, it was almost 12 midnight. We told her to go home and we pick up tomorrow. Tired of stopid fighting that just waste our energy and time.
Anyway, back to the main topic, I've found my baju pengantin.
My idea for baju akad...nak buat kot ngan butik Salikin Sidek tuh but have to hurry.

Monday, November 23, 2009
Sori guys i have to cut short my entry on Bali...there is more important things i need to attend to. Im getting engaged this raya aji that is 29 Nov 09.
Wat i have settle for my tunang?
1. Baju settle tapi abit too tight.
2. Anak tudung...i have bought a pink inner tudung yesterday at jalan TAR tapi ada jer yg tak kene. Kene g scout around lagi ker...oh no takde time.
3. cousin helping me out. Shema is sponsoring a cake. Pulut kuning and bunga rampai and daun sireh jgn lupa.
4. Makeup dah call...nanti nak sms my uncle's add.
5. Fotographer dah call...sms add.
6. Mini pelamin nak call...sms add.
7. Anak yatim tak confirm lagi...errkk..
8. Nak beli video cam...
tuh jer kot...y i feel i am not prepare. Tapi yg lagi wedding is only 4 week gap after my engangement. alamakk....wish me luck...amin.
Wat i have settle for my tunang?
1. Baju settle tapi abit too tight.
2. Anak tudung...i have bought a pink inner tudung yesterday at jalan TAR tapi ada jer yg tak kene. Kene g scout around lagi ker...oh no takde time.
3. cousin helping me out. Shema is sponsoring a cake. Pulut kuning and bunga rampai and daun sireh jgn lupa.
4. Makeup dah call...nanti nak sms my uncle's add.
5. Fotographer dah call...sms add.
6. Mini pelamin nak call...sms add.
7. Anak yatim tak confirm lagi...errkk..
8. Nak beli video cam...
tuh jer kot...y i feel i am not prepare. Tapi yg lagi wedding is only 4 week gap after my engangement. alamakk....wish me luck...amin.
Monday, November 2, 2009
travel journal to Bali episode 6
At last Eddy, Agus brother in law arrived with his motorbike. We took a taxi and follow him to his house. He is cute like penyanyi Indonesia Peter Pan. But unfortunately he is married with a 4 year old son.
I begged Ika to rent a hotel because I am not comfortable to sleep in his house. His house is more like orang bujang house with no proper place to sleep. Some more he is a taylor. He does his work at home. Adding to that 2 of his brother staying with him. Agus and Eddy ride motorbike to find a hotel for us.
Later the called Ika to say they managed to get a room as cheap as RM70 per room. Is that ok? Because Agus do not want to waste on hotel's rooms. Im quite disapointed when I found out it only cost me RM70. I was expecting a small room with a bed and a bathroom. But when I arrived there, i was surprised because it was spacious. I loved it. With an exlusive spa next to the hotel.
We rest for a while before we go to the market to find bunga telur. Here, surprisingly ppl do not know wat is bunga telur. Then why Malaysian says, there come here to buy perkahwinan stuff, maybe that is in Bandung.
I did't mention about festival Gulungan dan Kuningan rite. When I arrived in Bali, it was Hindu's Hari Raya. Everyone on the road wearing kebaya ketat putih with man wearing kain and songkok like javanese. Here, Hindu's ladies are beautiful and fair. Everywhere you go, you will find carved statues.
travel journal to Bali episode 5
We were supposed to bertolak to Bali at 6 pm after dawn to avoid the hot sun. But that night from no where I had dizzyness and I feel like vomitting. I told Ika, I can't force myself to travel 6 hours to Bali with my condition like that. I have to have my sleep first. Then that night I sleep. I woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning feeling much better. I really want to go to Bali so that my trip to Indonesia will not be wasted. Ika cooked rice with maggie sedap. I ate and packed my bags. At 3a.m in the morning, we were standing by the road side waiting for bus to go to Bali. It just before azan Subuh.
The group was Ika, Ika's hubby, Ika's daughter-Sherly, Agus's mother, Devi-Sherly cousin and me. All 6 of us waited in the dark cooling morning. When the bus arrived, we hoped on the bus and starts our journey to Bali.
While I was trying to sleep, suddenly I was being instruct to go down the bus. We already arrived to the last destination. I was confius. It only took 1 1/2 hours. If it is true I was happy because it was so fast. Actully that was only partial of it. We have 4 hours more to go.
The ferry took about 30 minutes to Pulau Bali. After arriving at Gilimanuk pelabuhan we took and aircond tourist bus 3 hours journey to town of Denpasar. The road was crocked. After we reached denpasar, each of us feel like fainting because of the journey.
We ate Bakso at the bus station waiting for Agus's cousin took pick us up to go to his house.
travel journal to Surabaya episode 4
It was friday. Today we took a bus 'lompat2' to the city to find anything for the wedding and sight seeing. The city is about 30 minutes from Asem Bagus. The city's named is Situbondo. :)
After arriving in the city, the first thing we did was change money. I gived Ika RM300 for the trip to Bali and myself have like RM600. I changed it Rupiah. I managed to get like 1 juta 333 ribu rupiah. hehehe if I were in Malaysia with that much money i would be a millionaire.
I had our lunch at a local nasi lauk restaurant. It was cheap and delicious. The soto ayam s with nasi also very yummy. I also ordered burung puyuh that only cost RM2each.
Later we walked around the city and I bought kebaya with full of kerawang. It only cost me RM50-RM70 per kain. It was so cheap. If in Malaysia it will cost me like RM150 each. But I have to jimat a bit because I haven't go to Bali yet. And here, ppl seldom take credit card. I only have less than RM600 to spend for the whole entire trip. Ika bought fridge with her salary. I am happy for her.
After arriving in the city, the first thing we did was change money. I gived Ika RM300 for the trip to Bali and myself have like RM600. I changed it Rupiah. I managed to get like 1 juta 333 ribu rupiah. hehehe if I were in Malaysia with that much money i would be a millionaire.
I had our lunch at a local nasi lauk restaurant. It was cheap and delicious. The soto ayam s with nasi also very yummy. I also ordered burung puyuh that only cost RM2each.
Later we walked around the city and I bought kebaya with full of kerawang. It only cost me RM50-RM70 per kain. It was so cheap. If in Malaysia it will cost me like RM150 each. But I have to jimat a bit because I haven't go to Bali yet. And here, ppl seldom take credit card. I only have less than RM600 to spend for the whole entire trip. Ika bought fridge with her salary. I am happy for her.
travel journal to Surabaya episode 3
2nd day...I woke up @8 o'clock and it seems like 11 o'clock. Hot and humid. I did not do much. I ate my breakfast that was nasi with sup (the have a name that I can't recalled). Watched tv. At noon I slept back. Tired maybe because of the journey.
Later, in the evening. The husband bring us at pelabuhan near their house. It was pelabuhan to go to Bertam. Ika, her husband and their daughter went on a motocycle. Here the called motocyle = sepeda. And I went with one of cousin that aged around 15 on another motorbike. After we took picture near the pelabuhan with sooo windy weather, we have our bakso. Bakso here, ppl take as a makanan ruji tak kira anytime. It has meatballs, self-made with a little bit of bihun and soup. They will add chilly sauce, kicap and lambok (sambal belacan) to it. Mine, i ate bare.
Later, in the evening. The husband bring us at pelabuhan near their house. It was pelabuhan to go to Bertam. Ika, her husband and their daughter went on a motocycle. Here the called motocyle = sepeda. And I went with one of cousin that aged around 15 on another motorbike. After we took picture near the pelabuhan with sooo windy weather, we have our bakso. Bakso here, ppl take as a makanan ruji tak kira anytime. It has meatballs, self-made with a little bit of bihun and soup. They will add chilly sauce, kicap and lambok (sambal belacan) to it. Mine, i ate bare.
travel journal to Surabaya episode 2
We finally arrived at Surabaya airport, when we came out at the door, we saw Ika's hubby carrying her daughter. At first she did not realize her mother because her mother was working in Malaysia for 2 straight whole year. The the whole bunch of group families greeted us. Happy to see us. They rented a van just to picked us at the airport. I seat in front with Ika, her daughter and another 3 year old cousin.
It was hot sunny afternoon. We stopped at a nearby Nasi Padang shop. We were surprised the cost of the whole family meal cost like Rupiah350. Our currency is RM1 to 2.6 rupiah. The supir purposely brought us to expensive restaurant (even though that restaurant doesn't look exclusive at all) because he said he was shy with anak majikan. hmmm..It was Ika that paying for it and not be. Bt the way I haven't change my currency to rupiah yet.
I thought the journey the her house in Kg Asem Bagus was like only 4 hours. Actually it took us almost 6 hours. If with bus it will take us 7 hours. That oso depending which bus, either the 'lompat2' bus or the express bus.
Along the way, Ika's daughter vomitted twice. Luckily, 'tak kena'. I had fun seing new sight but because of the long journey I became weak and weaker. At last, I reached Ika's house around 8 o'clock t night. Here, the maghrib is 6 o'clock. The dawn is around 3:30 in the morning. So by the time I reached Ika's house it was dark. But all the famili members still awake to greet us. I salam with everyone. Carry my bags. The room was nice and cosy. Mandi terus tido. Tired. Ika's house was a one level storey and was tiled including the rooms and the toilet. So it makes me feel 'clean'..hehehe sori ika. That was a be continue 2nd day....
travel journal to Surabaya episode 1
I decided to taka a break from my life by following my maid go back to her hometown that was in Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Her kampung was in Asem Bagus, 7 hours ride with bus from Surabaya airport to the kg. My flight with Air Asia that I took was on 21st October 09. Macam-macam jadik. The night before, I accidentally read messages from my bf to a girl. I was upset. That night I went to his house just to seek the truth before I go to Indonesia. I went back home nearly 1 o'clock in the morning. As usuall Antymah was 'jumping'. I asked him to call the girl and through loud speaker, the girl seems do not know who he was. And I can accept it because he is not the kind that go and flirt around with girls (but we never knows right?).
The next morning, Antymah accusing me for being late because the last night event. I was not in a very good mood and I burst while he drove to send back my car. Consequences from that, Antymah also burst. That we had a scene at the door just on the way to go out of the house to airport. For me that was not a good sign arguing before leaving the house.
So because I ws being blame for lateness, I drove my car @ 140km/hr. We reached airport @ 8.50 in the morning. Quite unexpected. It was fast beyond the time expectation. My flight was @ 10:30. So we had ample time to check-in.
Before leaving, I asked for fogiveness from Antymah and mother. Antymah cried.
2 hours in the flight. I ordered milo that cost me RM5. Expensive for milo 3 in 1. I brought RM1,000 cash in hand and backup by credit card. Later I will tell you want be continued......
The next morning, Antymah accusing me for being late because the last night event. I was not in a very good mood and I burst while he drove to send back my car. Consequences from that, Antymah also burst. That we had a scene at the door just on the way to go out of the house to airport. For me that was not a good sign arguing before leaving the house.
So because I ws being blame for lateness, I drove my car @ 140km/hr. We reached airport @ 8.50 in the morning. Quite unexpected. It was fast beyond the time expectation. My flight was @ 10:30. So we had ample time to check-in.
Before leaving, I asked for fogiveness from Antymah and mother. Antymah cried.
2 hours in the flight. I ordered milo that cost me RM5. Expensive for milo 3 in 1. I brought RM1,000 cash in hand and backup by credit card. Later I will tell you want be continued......
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Boring in the office, cannot wait for 5 'clock. Watching movie Papadom by Afdlin Shauki my faveret director. I hope I can laugh in the movie so that I can use that to release my tension.
Another wat of releasing tension is through food. I think I want to try this Arabic Restaurant in Cyberjaya. All the review are positive.
Another wat of releasing tension is through food. I think I want to try this Arabic Restaurant in Cyberjaya. All the review are positive.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Kg pengantin
Ok tak?
tempat makan
tempat jalan
Kampung Pengantin Kuala Lumpur
Makan beradap
Bilik persiapan
Wat a sad story I have. I'm arranging my marriage but unfortunately for me, I have to go through all the obstacles. This time, my family are worried about H1N1 and they are suggesting to do a small akad first then later on maybe in 6 months after the H1N1 have subside, do the reception pulak. Mana tak aku become crazy and really mad. These are my few arguments:
Akad Nikah in Masjid Wilayah is permitted but reception have to be postponed. This doesnt make sense to me because:
1) Masjid Wilayah is a public places. If H1N1 nak kena, we should be in the house and not public places that will have a lot of ppl.
Akad Nikah in Masjid Wilayah is permitted but reception have to be postponed. This doesnt make sense to me because:
1) Masjid Wilayah is a public places. If H1N1 nak kena, we should be in the house and not public places that will have a lot of ppl.
2) My akad is on Friday @10:30 in the morning, where Solat Jumaat will be taking place. As you know, and everyone knows, solat jumaat there will be quite a big crowd of Muslimin coming for prayer. Moreover, its not a small mosque or unpopular mosque. Wouldnt we be passing the crowd too. Takkan tak bertembung kan? If the ppl yang bertembung tuh ada H1N1, macamana?
3) Another reason my family give was, the tempat akad n tempat solat different place. Yes, I agree but it is all in under one roof. So kalau nak pi toilet. You still have to go out of the room / dewan to go to toilet.
4) The akad nikah room and the dewan makan is a seperate rooms and you still need to go out the passage way to go to the dewan makan.
5) My family is letting me invite my office friends. My office frends are 70 ppl, not including their spouse and children. This is not consider a small gathering anymore. Wat is the different between the akad nikah kenduri and the reception. This is a mind boggling.
6) If just in case the government order a caffeur, wouldn't the tok kadi also is not permitted to go out of the house?
7) My family said, the akad nikah is a small group than the reception. Reception is a total of 400 ppl. 250 ppl on my side, and 150 ppl in his side. Actually the invitation is only 100 ppl because it is cosider couple. Meanwhile, all the ppl that aren't invited to the reception will be invited to the akad nikah. Consider this, it includes my officemate that is around more than 70 ppl plus their spouse and children, including my aunties friends, mothers frends and neighbours and families. So you make you own head count. I think it will be more than the reception.
Nevertheless, to do a nikah gantung will have difficulties such as:
1) Wat if i were to pregnant. So the reception will be a totally cancel. I will not do the reception anymore after I gave birth.
Nevertheless, to do a nikah gantung will have difficulties such as:
1) Wat if i were to pregnant. So the reception will be a totally cancel. I will not do the reception anymore after I gave birth.
2) It will cause fitnah when he brings me around like balik kg especially when I have a belly. Because the purpose of reception and kenduri is to tell ppl we are legally married and to jamu org makan.
3) After marriage, we will need money to build our family, house when we have important things to spend on, we will thing twice to spend on an expensive reception.
4) I have to diet again. And spend money and time on that.
5) We do not know when is H1N1 will be over. And we do not know if the condition will get worse or better. Wat if after 6 months there are new viruses emerged?
6) If the reason because H1N1, can we stop ppl from deliver a baby. Oh by the way, my cousin, that is my uncle's daughter is pregnant. Im just wondering, can he stop his daughter from giving birth. Some more pregnant women are high risk. Additional to that, my cousin is a doctor and she is working in a hospital. Does she stop working in a hospital because of H1N1? I think you know wat is my point.
7) Just to add, my akad nikah is the same day with Serina (Chef Wan's daughter). She is doing her akad in the same mosque as I am, only hers is in the evening. Will she do the reception after that or will she hault her reception because H1N1? Another celebrity is having her wedding in January is Umie Aida. For me, artist guest list are alot more than I am with all the reporters. If they can proceed their wedding smoothly without 'sangkak' (obstacles) I will be very very dam devastated.
8) I have to argue with my auntie about room. She is giving me a hard time in clearing up the room. Wat she is doing is only making me feel worse and insulted. Cakap lain, buat lain. Tapi kita bersabar dan berserah pada yg Esa.
If Allah say, Im not destined to marry this guy. Than at that time God will do something, things that I cannot avoid to get marry. But if only ppl just creating a big fuss and problems, that is call tak dak pasai carik pasai. Im just tension and sad, a marriage could be simple and easy, but why everyone is making a difficult time for me?
If Allah say, Im not destined to marry this guy. Than at that time God will do something, things that I cannot avoid to get marry. But if only ppl just creating a big fuss and problems, that is call tak dak pasai carik pasai. Im just tension and sad, a marriage could be simple and easy, but why everyone is making a difficult time for me?
Ppl passing by in front of the akad nikad room during friday prayer
Ppl 'lepaking' in front of the dewan makan
Ppl 'lepaking' in front of the akad nikah room
Wat a beautiful mosque with a magnificant arhitecture.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
4th day fasting '09
Today is my fourth day of fasting. This year is a little bit different than the rest of the years that I'm being fasting. That is because..ehem..ehem...hahaha....just thinking about it I feel like laughing.
Saya berniaga di pasar Ramadhan. Since when I become one of those peniaga? hahaha....funny. Me..selling kuih :). I have this intention long time ago but never being fullfil inspite of the tapak was full, auntyMah think I'm just fooling around and do not know wat to sell and how to get all the bahan2. If I want to sell tebu, I do not know where to get the machine tebu. If I want to sell tau fu fa, I do not know how to do it. If I want to sell ikan bakar, I got no time to bakar because I will just start to sell only after 5 o'clock, after work, yes I'm working full time and I want to do this as my part time. Plus I want to solat terawaih afterwards. Is this possible?
Anyway, I managed to get a tapak this year. It's a new place they are opening @ seksyen 7 Bandar Baru Bangi. Then I forced my bf to get a shot and register the food course. Then my problem was, wat on earth that I want to sell. I surf a few list that I had on how to do it. Then @ last we decided to sell kordial drinks anddadih. Things that can be prepared the day before. I was forced to agree because of the time constrain.
I started selling on Saturday. I was glad the first day puasa was a off day. That week was also a school holidays. Because I was selling on Saturday, Antymah suggessted that I sell kuih eventhough it doesn't give much money because it was taken from a makcik kuih. Then we sell a little bit extra. Kuih Bakar - 50 cent, kuih koci - 50 cent, kuih bekang ubi - 3 for RM1, kuih talam keladi - 3 for RM1 and talam ubi - 3 for RM1.
The first day, I was screaming just before we reached the pasar Ramadhan because I was embarassed. I feel like ct nurhaliza when she was small selling karipap...hehehe.. The pasar Ramadhan was a small pasar Ramadhan. Less than 20 stall was up. Not many people come to the bazaar maybe because it is a new place and people went back to kg to celebrate fasting month with their loved ones. I was a bit dissapointed. Because he said, we will try again tomorrow and the day after.
On Monday, is a diffcult time because it was a working day. I took 2 days off that was on Monday and Tuesday. Just to take the kuih from Damansara. Tuesday sales was quite dissapointing because more and more penjaja moved to another tapak.
As for today, Im writing this blog, I will not sell anything yet. Today I will go and survey another place. We havent decided yet how we are going to continue.
This is the reality of doing business. Not everyone become rich and success in doing business. There are always 50 percentage of losing and success. I hope at least we will balik modal. This is another example of my stubbornese and wanting to try new things. :)
Selamat Berpuasa!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Kaedah baru mengawal Virus H1N1

Cara Virus H1N1 berjangkit dari satu individu ke satu individu yang lain adalah sama sepertimana jangkitan selsema biasa.
Apabila seseorang yang sedang dijangkiti virus selsema ia batuk atau bersin, virus yang berada dalam rongga hidung dan kerongkong akan keluar dan tersebar melalui udara. 
Jumlah virus yang banyak dan tepu seperti diatas jika dihidu oleh individu lain boleh menyebabkan ianya dijangkiti.
Peringkat permulaan virus akan hinggap dibahagian pangkal hidung, jika terdapat sedikit lembapan dan kotoran maka virus ini akan terus dapat hidup dan membiak.

Jumlah virus yang banyak dan tepu seperti diatas jika dihidu oleh individu lain boleh menyebabkan ianya dijangkiti.
Peringkat permulaan virus akan hinggap dibahagian pangkal hidung, jika terdapat sedikit lembapan dan kotoran maka virus ini akan terus dapat hidup dan membiak.
Apabila terdapat individu pesakit duduk dalam satu bilik yang tidak ada pengaliran udara yang baik.
Nafas pesakit yang mengandungi virus akan memenuhi ruang bilik tersebut. Jika ada individu yang lain memasuki bilik tersebut, jangkitan akan bermula.
Proses jangkitan 3:
Mereka yang kuat sistem immunity apabila terkena jangkitan tetap berkeadaan stabil dan tidak menunjukan tanda yang membimbangkan, kecuali rasa sedikit panas di bahagian muka atau sesetangah anggota badan, apabila mereka menghampiri kanak-kanak atau individu yang lemah sistem immunity, jangkitan mudah terjadi.
Proses jangkitan 4:
Nafas pesakit yang mengandungi virus akan memenuhi ruang bilik tersebut. Jika ada individu yang lain memasuki bilik tersebut, jangkitan akan bermula.
Proses jangkitan 3:
Mereka yang kuat sistem immunity apabila terkena jangkitan tetap berkeadaan stabil dan tidak menunjukan tanda yang membimbangkan, kecuali rasa sedikit panas di bahagian muka atau sesetangah anggota badan, apabila mereka menghampiri kanak-kanak atau individu yang lemah sistem immunity, jangkitan mudah terjadi.
Proses jangkitan 4:
Terdiri dari mereka yang sudah hampir sembuh sepenuhnya dari selsema yang kuat, kecuali selsema di peringkat akhir, saki-baki virus masih ada, masih berpotensi untuk membawa jangkitan, kecuali setelah sembuh sepenuhnya.
Pembiakan virus:
Virus yang hinggap di pangkal hidung dapat membiak dengan memakan kotoran yang terdapat dalam hidung. Hidung akan memberi reaksi untuk mengeluarkan virus-virus ini dengan cara bersin. Walaubagaimanapun jika terdapat lembapan dan kotoran yang sesuai dalam hidung, virus ini tidak lagi dapat dikeluarkan oleh proses bersin. Kemudian hidung akan mengeluarkan sejenis cecair untuk memerangkap virus yang dikenali sebagai cecair hingus, cecair ini akan mengalir ke dua arah, satu kearah lubang hidung dan satu lagi kearah tekak.
Kedua-dua arah cecair ini merbahaya dan hendaklah dikeluarkan.
Kedua-dua arah cecair ini merbahaya dan hendaklah dikeluarkan.
1) Dari rongga hidung ia hendaklah dikeluarkan, kemudian cuci rongga hidung menggunakan air yang bersih dengan cara menyedut air dengan perlahan-lahan hemudian hembuskannya. Lakukan beberapa kali sehingga terasa bersih rongga hidung, dengan cara ini virus dan kotoran dapat dikeluarkan.
2) Cecair hingus yang mengalir ke arah tekak jangan sekali-kali ditelan, kerana ia mengandungi virus. Jika ditelan akan mengakibatkan virus masuk kedalam sistem tubuh dan mengakibatkan demam.
Kaedah pencegahan 1:
Kerapkan mencuci rongga(lubang) hidung dengan air yang bersih dengan cara menyedut air menggunakan hidung dan menghembuskannya. Lakukan sekurang-kurangnya 5 kali sehari atau seberapa kerap yang mungkin. Cara ini dapat mengelakan berkumpul kotoran menjadi mendapan yang sesuai untuk pembiakan virus selsema.
Apabila bahagian ini telah dibersihkan virus yang masuk tidak dapat bertahan kerana tidak ada sebarang sumber makanan. Kaedah pembersihan rongga hidung belum diketahui dalam ilmu kesihatan moden sehingga ke hari ini. Bagaimanapun kaedah ini telah diajar olen Nabi Muhammad SAW sejak 1400 tahun lebih yang lalu. Iaitu sunnah sebelum berwudhu memasukkan air ke dalam hidung kemudian menghembuskannya, diulangi sebanyak 3 kali.
Kaedah pencegahan 2:

Apabila anda mula dijangkiti, anda akan terasa kurang selesa dibahagian dalam rongga hidung, diikuti bersin yang berturut-turut(tanda-tanda awal selsema).
Kaedah pencegahan 2:

Apabila anda mula dijangkiti, anda akan terasa kurang selesa dibahagian dalam rongga hidung, diikuti bersin yang berturut-turut(tanda-tanda awal selsema).
Tindakan pantas yang perlu anda ambil ialah mencari air dan mencuci dalam rongga hidung seberapa cepat dan kerap yang mungkin, cara ini dapat mengeluarkan virus yang baru hinggap dalam rongga hidung. Diikuti cecair pekat yang mengalir ke arah tekak hendaklah dikeluarkan melalui ludah. Kaedah ini dapat menyekat virus dari masuk kedalam tubuh.
Jika ditelan, virus yang masuk akan mendatangkan masalah kepada organ-organ dalaman seperti paru-paru dan sebagainya. Dalam masa yang sama dapatkan ubatan yang disyorkan oleh doktor untuk kawalan virus selsema. Dan dapatkan produk yang dapat menguatkan sistem immunity seperti Habbatussauda. Habbatussauda dapat mengawal virus selsema dengan mantap dan berkesan, ini telah banyak dibuktikan oleh kajian saintifik dan pengalaman mereka yang pernah menggunakannya.
Habbatussauda bersifat panas, kering dan anti bakteria, anda boleh memakannya secubit setiap setengah jam sehingga kesan-kesan selsema hilang sepenuhnya.

Individu yang telah di asingkan kerana sedang dijangkiti virus selsema hendaklah mengambil ambil berat beberapa perkara supaya pesakit tersebut cepat sembuh, dalam masa yang sama tidak menjangkiti individu yang lain.
1) Makan ubatan dengan mengikut aturan dan nasihat doktor.
2) Jika mampu ke bilik air:
Kerapkan mencuci rongga hidung apabila terasa banyak lembapan berkumpul iaitu menggunakan air dengan kaedah diatas.
Mengeluarkan kahak sekerap mungkin dan jangan sekali-kali ditelan. Tugas cecair kahak dan cecair hidung untuk memerangkap virus, tugas kita mengeluarkannya melalui berludah.
3) Apabila bersin atau batuk hendaklah tutup mulut dan hidung dengan dua tapak tangan atau berlapik dengan kain.
4) Didalam bilik sediakan satu kipas angin yang menghala ke arah tingkap, fungsi kipas angin ini untuk mengeluarkan udara tercemar dari bilik tersebut. Jika tidak, udara dalam bilik tersebut akan menjadi tepu dengan virus selsema dan boleh menjangkiti individu lain yang masuk. Dengan fungsi kipas ini, udara bilik sentiasa bersih.
1) Makan ubatan dengan mengikut aturan dan nasihat doktor.
2) Jika mampu ke bilik air:
Kerapkan mencuci rongga hidung apabila terasa banyak lembapan berkumpul iaitu menggunakan air dengan kaedah diatas.
Mengeluarkan kahak sekerap mungkin dan jangan sekali-kali ditelan. Tugas cecair kahak dan cecair hidung untuk memerangkap virus, tugas kita mengeluarkannya melalui berludah.
3) Apabila bersin atau batuk hendaklah tutup mulut dan hidung dengan dua tapak tangan atau berlapik dengan kain.
4) Didalam bilik sediakan satu kipas angin yang menghala ke arah tingkap, fungsi kipas angin ini untuk mengeluarkan udara tercemar dari bilik tersebut. Jika tidak, udara dalam bilik tersebut akan menjadi tepu dengan virus selsema dan boleh menjangkiti individu lain yang masuk. Dengan fungsi kipas ini, udara bilik sentiasa bersih.

5) Sebagai tambahan dimusim selsema, gunakan pewangi udara yang mengandungi anti bakteria untuk tempat berair-cond seperti pejabat, dewan, kereta, bas dan sebagainya. Banyak produk ini dipasaran seperti Dettol, Nanomist dan lain-lain.
Jika anda mampu, anda boleh gunakan alat penapis udara yang biasa dikenali UV air purifiers, ionizers,air filters dan sebaginya. Walaubagaimanapun asas kepada kesihatan bermula dari diri anda sendiri, sebab ditempat yang terdedah anda tidak punyai perisai kecuali kebersihan diri.
Langkah berjaga-jaga:
- Jarakkan diri dari individu yang terkena jangkitan atau yang masih belum sembuh sepenuhnya pada jarak 2 meter jika anda tidak menggunakan mask(penutup hidung).
Jangan masuk bilik yang ada individu terkena selsema kecuali menggunakan mask. - Individu yang sudah baik dari demam tetapi masih batuk berkahak, hendaklah menjarakkan diri dari individu yang sihat, terutama anak-anak kecil dan orang-orang tua, kerana saki-baki virus masih ada kecuali telah sembuh sepenuhnya.
Penggunaan kipas ke arah tingkap untuk mengeluarkan udara tercemar adalah sangat penting untuk mengelakan penularan virus dalam kawasan bertutup seperti rumah, pejabat dan sebagainya. - Walaupun anda dalam keadaan sihat, jangan abaikan kebersihan rongga hidung kerana itulah pintu masuk bermacam-macam virus yang boleh menyebabkan selsema, asma, resdung dan sebagainya. Paling kurang lima kali sehari iaitu sebelum mengambil wudhu. Ini adalah sunnah Rasulullah SAW yang banyak mengandungi hikmah dan rahsia, ia tidak boleh dipandang remeh, dengan penemuan kaedah ini insyaallah semuga masalah virus H1N1 akan selesai.
Firman Allah dalam surah Al-Anbiya, ayat 107 bermaksud:"Dan tidak kami (Allah) utuskan kamu(wahai Muhammad) melainkan untuk menjadi rahmat bagi sekalian alam."
**Perhatian: Artikel ini berdasarkan penemuan dan pemerhatian, belum disahkan oleh kajian saintifik. Jika anda fikir ada benarnya, sila fowardkan kepada kenalan.
Sekian wassalam, semuga memberi manafaat.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Today he is going outstation to a very remote place in Kelantan. If you can imagine, travelling time alone takes 12 hours. That's very far away in spite we are in Malaysia. Anyway, my mind racing on the schedule that I will do to occupy myself while he is away.
Friday - dentist
Saturday - Eat Dim Sum with *ina & her baby & shop my baju raya.
Sunday - Go to kolam air panas & see a bridal shop in Gombak.
Hope the schedule will make me pack.
Friday - dentist
Saturday - Eat Dim Sum with *ina & her baby & shop my baju raya.
Sunday - Go to kolam air panas & see a bridal shop in Gombak.
Hope the schedule will make me pack.
These 2 days, we have to move to rezise to a smaller cubicle. I had troubled fighting for my right for the place I want. I will tell you later if I have mood to talk about the incident. Anyway, I just finish vacumn my cubicle and rearrange all my stuff. Lucky for me that I just work for only 2 years. After another 2 years, we will move again to a new renovate building. Why we have to move so much? hmmm...
I have to get use to my new place now. It is smaller than the one that I had. If I got time and a camera, I will capture the picture to show all of you. Tired of carrying all the tables, partitions and drilling. Why cant men in my office are more helpful? Thats sad. I scold my bf for not being sensitive and caring about my moving eventhough he is also had to move too. This is because, they hire people to do the carrying stuff. I just need a little gesture from him just to make an effort of helping me. Tired n sad.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
how soweet
I just came back from my outstation in bkt tangga, perlis. It was tiring. I was sick with high tempreture. My boyfriend can be so sweet sleep over in my house just to drive me to work this morning (of course with antymah permission). And now im begging him to send me back because im more sick and want to go home. Pls take me home so i can rest and eat ika foods.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Micheal Jackson died!
Officially, 26 July 2009 Micheal Jackson is gone from the world. The misery soul throughout his life. Searching for a peace of soul that was lost. He even went to meet the arab to became a Muslim. He contributed a lot in music industry. This is a few lyrics from his songs.
~Heal the world~
spoken: Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better world for our children and our children's children.
So that they know it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better place.
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
Refrain (2x)
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
~Heal the world~
spoken: Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better world for our children and our children's children.
So that they know it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better place.
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
Refrain (2x)
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I was trying to sleep to recover my lost sleep then suddenly I heard my cousin shouting, there is a snake wanting to eat the poor persian cat that was in the cage. I was shocked to hear that and jump to my feet and ran to the porch to see.
I was terrified to see the body of ular sawa lingering around the cage. The cat was rigid like stone staring at the snake afraid of being bitten. My auntie quickly call the the emergency no that I do not know where she get it from. The operator told the ppl were from Klang. Klang! It nuisance if there is emergency. Luckily, the snake decided with all the caos, it slowly move away to the lawn. But I was more frantic if the snake disapear before the rescuer came. I don't want to be worrying when walking through my own lawn.
Then, I urge my auntie to call the bomba because bomba also do all these works. Alas my cousin call 994 for bomba. Later, the Jabatan Haiwan came and do a search and found the snake crawling in the abandon sink. They came to show us the snake but I was too scared to dig my face in the sack. Afraid of the snake can fly out of the sack. That night, I slept at 4:30 a.m.
~A few facts on snakes:~
1. Ular sawa do not have poison. It's not like ular tedung.
2. Ular sawa = ular batik = python
3. Ular sawa kills it enemy by lilit the enemy. There are cases where they eat human beings. Once they snuggled the victim, the victim have no chance to escape. It will crunch the bone to pieces before swollow the victim.
4. Ular sawa afraid of buluh because of the itchyness.
5. Ular sawa can climb by liliting.
6. Ular sawa cannot stand on its body like ular tedung because it is big and heavy. It also cannot fly.
7. Ular sawa Malaysia have mood not like ular sawa Burmese. Local ular sawa even though the can be pet but when there are not in the good mood, they will bite.
8. The most recorded longest snake is won by Python reticulatus(Ular Sawa tempatan) that was 9.5 meter.
9. All snake are deaf.
10. Snake are quite blind so they are supports on sense of smell.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Gym @RM5
Yesterday, I went and check out this new place i found in cyberjaya. It is Kelab Komuniti Taman Tasik Cyberjaya. I was a bit lost finding the main entrance of Universiti Multimedia but finally I found it.
I was mesmerized by the view where the club located. It was beside a lake where there was a go-cart track. As I was parking my car, I can see there are beach volleyball court, tennis court, basketball court and I parked my car in front of futsal complex. much outdoor activities and that I have not enter the complex yet. My intention of going there was going to the gym and it only cost RM5 per entry. It was so cheap that is why I feel I want to have a try. I paid at the counter and chat a bit with the counter man. I found out it closes @ 11 at night and opens @ 4pm everyday. Nice to know that you do not have to rush from the office.
I was mesmerized by the view where the club located. It was beside a lake where there was a go-cart track. As I was parking my car, I can see there are beach volleyball court, tennis court, basketball court and I parked my car in front of futsal complex. much outdoor activities and that I have not enter the complex yet. My intention of going there was going to the gym and it only cost RM5 per entry. It was so cheap that is why I feel I want to have a try. I paid at the counter and chat a bit with the counter man. I found out it closes @ 11 at night and opens @ 4pm everyday. Nice to know that you do not have to rush from the office.
The gym room as any other gym center, have all these equipment for workout. The first thing I try as always when I when for a free trial, I will step up on the treadmill eventhough when I'm at the ground I will feel dizzy. The best way was always to be running on a natural track. I show off a bit of my skills handling the threadmill machines. After running quite a bit and sweating, i decided to walk around the complex.
I was amazed to find there are a squash court, playground, dancing studio and a swimming pool. By that time, the swimming pool was favourites by the kids. The place was so peaceful, full activites and full tough man exercising :). Anyway, I drop by the dance studio ask the teacher the cost of the class, it was RM30 per class every wednesday. The class was practising a salsa dance for a show. You have to buy your own shoes that cost almost Rm400 and skirt to dance. But the class interest me. Then I went to the go-cart track to chat with the track man, the cost is rm25 per 10 min (student) and for adult it was rm30. And it was the only track that open @ night. I wanted to try but not on that day. Some other days. The man told me, saturdays the will handled drift. I was excited that I watched a live drifting because now I know where it held.
I stay for maghrib @ the surau and left the complex. Even while Im leaving there was so many activities goin on. And I will be back for more activities.
futsal court
basketball court
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
1st day
Today is my first day blogging. Even though i have been handling computers in century, but i do not have a blog yet. Wierd huh. Why i want to start now? I always have the intention but I am lacking of doing new things in life. I prefer do other things than writing in a blog. I think that is all for now. I want to see the outcome of it.
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